AI Future Is Now

We invest in sustainable sectors that leverage AI to drive future business growth while balancing societal and economic benefits. By focusing on companies that prioritize implementing AI to enhance efficiency, innovation, and overall human well-being, we aim to capitalize on the transformative impact of investing today for future earnings. Our approach ensures that investments not only yield financial returns but also contribute to a better, more equitable world.

The Integration of AI into Sports , Health Care , and Infrastructure is transforming the way businesses will be operated. We are here to invest in these opportunities.

Who We are…

MD Quant Investments (MQI), a premier fund based in Newport Beach, CA, has established itself as a leader in the investment landscape, particularly in cutting-edge sectors like AI, blockchain, and quantum computing. With a strategic focus on these transformative technologies, MQI is not only driving innovation but also positioning itself for substantial returns on investment. The fund's philosophy revolves around identifying and nurturing high-potential ventures that are set to revolutionize industries. By leveraging its deep expertise and robust network, MQI offers unparalleled support to its portfolio companies, ensuring they have the resources and guidance needed to succeed in a competitive market.

In the realm of quantum computing, MQI is at the forefront, recognizing the profound implications this technology holds for various industries. Quantum computing has the potential to solve complex problems at unprecedented speeds, offering exponential improvements over classical computing. MQI's investments in this field aim to unlock new capabilities in drug discovery, cryptography, and optimization problems, among others. The potential ROI from quantum computing investments is immense, as the technology is expected to become a cornerstone of future innovation. Moreover, the societal benefits are equally significant, with advancements promising to enhance healthcare outcomes, improve cybersecurity, and optimize logistics and infrastructure on a global scale.

Healthcare is another critical focus area for MQI, where the integration of AI and blockchain technologies is poised to transform patient care and medical research. By investing in AI-driven diagnostics, personalized medicine, and blockchain-based health records, MQI is contributing to a more efficient and secure healthcare ecosystem. These technologies promise to reduce costs, improve patient outcomes, and streamline administrative processes. The ROI for investors is promising, given the healthcare sector's robust growth and the increasing demand for innovative solutions. On a societal level, the benefits are profound, as these advancements can lead to more accurate diagnoses, better patient management, and enhanced data security and privacy.

In the sportsTech and infrastructure industries, MQI is capitalizing on the growing intersection of technology and traditional sectors. Investments in AI-powered analytics and blockchain-based solutions for sports management and infrastructure projects are paving the way for smarter, more efficient operations. In sportsTech, AI can revolutionize performance analytics, fan engagement, and injury prevention, offering significant ROI potential as the industry continues to expand. For infrastructure, blockchain can enhance transparency, security, and efficiency in project management and supply chains. These investments not only promise attractive financial returns but also drive societal benefits by promoting sustainable practices, improving safety standards, and fostering innovation in infrastructure development. Through its strategic investments, MQI is not only securing its position as a leading fund but also contributing to technological advancements that benefit society as a whole.

MQI Investments Connects with Founders who are implementing excellence.

Who We Work With













Our Investment Sectors

Our family office aims to connect entrepreneurs, investors, executives, AI experts, in one room to make synergies happen within our investments
-MQI Investments